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In the run-up to the European elections in June 2024, EU environmental policies have been facing serious backlash - from EU lawmakers themselves. At the heart of their arguments for rolling back legislation has been the challenges experienced by rural communities.
As politicians across the EU look to dismantle the environmental progress of recent years, the highest courts, at least in Baltic Member States, are giving reason to hope: rising above the in-fighting and taking their role as the...
Recent relations between certain farming unions and environmentalists have been all too hostile, goaded by political forces that find it expedient to distract and cultivate grievance. The Commission’s initiative to take the heat...
In February 2024, the European Commission issued its 2040 climate target Communication, which proposes to reduce net greenhouse gases (GHG) by 90 per cent compared to 1990 levels.
Several elements of the Communication will have...
Overlogging and climate change are causing the collapse of European forest carbon sinks, and the EU risks not even meeting weak 2030 Land Use, Land Use Change and Forestry (LULUCF) targets. There is therefore huge concern that...
As the backlash against laws protecting nature intensifies across Europe, Augustyn Mikos charts how intense public pressure helped push forests centre stage in his country - and the lessons this holds for the rest of the EU.
For decades, intensive forestry practices have meant that healthy biodiverse forests across the European Union (EU) have been replaced with trees that resemble crops. Intensive forest management not only degrades ecosystems, but...
The proposed Forest Monitoring Law is a great step forward, but to truly deliver change on the ground it must also include a requirement for positive strategic action.
The European Commission’s proposal for a forest monitoring law, which was published today, is a commendable attempt to tackle the grave challenges facing European forests - yet does not require Member States to act on the data they will be required to gather on the state of their forests.
A new mapping system enhances forest data transparency.