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Fern’s partners in Ghana, Liberia, the Congo Basin and Brazil share their opposing views on the effect the EU Regulation on deforestation-free products
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In Ghana, long-standing roadblocks to progress on forest governance are now being tackled by a new Minister.
FLEGT-VPAs: Worth fighting for
That parts of the European Commission seem to be losing interest in the flagship governance programme, even as Ghana’s hope to issue licences is renewed, has sent a shockwave
This January 2020 Fern and LoggingOff's update on FLEGT VPAs shows the support the process is still receiving from civil society, governments and the private sector. It is written by Civil Society leaders across Africa, Asia and Latin America and shows their enthusiasm for the process despite the multiple challenges.
NGO leaders from tropical forested nations offer first-hand accounts on what is needed for effective forest protection.
This briefing endorsed by Client Earth, the Environmental Investigation Agency, Fern, Forest Peoples Programme, and Transparency International details what the EU can do to ensure that healthy forests contribute to local...
VPA update, June 2019
One of the unique features of Voluntary Partnership Agreements (VPAs) – which form a key part of the EU’s Forest Law Enforcement, Governance and Trade (FLEGT) Action Plan – is that they allow a variety of actors (government, private sector, civil society and forest communities) to discuss how forests should be managed.
Ghana is poised to become the first African country and the second country in the world to issue FLEGT (Forest Law Enforcement, Governance and Trade) licences. Officials from the EU and Ghana’s Ministry of Land and Natural...
Illegal logging and the illicit timber trade thrive when legal frameworks, rights and benefits are unclear and complex to enforce. Transparency is therefore at the heart of Voluntary Partnership Agreements (VPAs) and over the last...