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This report follows a spate of recent work examining company commitments to reduce or end their role in deforestation. What makes this report different is that it looks at the issue from the companies’ perspective, asking them why...
The UN Food and Agricultural Organisation (FAO) has chosen to use the International Day of Forests 2017 to promote the use of wood for energy, calling forests “nature’s power house”. Forests are precious ecosystems and well worth...
I have just returned from a two-week policy tour of Europe, visiting decision makers working on the EU Forest Law Enforcement Governance and Trade (FLEGT) Action Plan in Belgium, Germany, France and the Netherlands. I was hoping...
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As decision makers in the European Union (EU) and timber producing countries consider the future of the FLEGT Action Plan, and its Voluntary Partnership Agreements (VPA), civil society organisations and platforms from Cameroon,...
Reversing its previous reluctance, on 2 March 2017, the Agricultural Committee of the European Parliament took the bold step of releasing an Opinion which recognises the devastation that palm oil production has on people and the...
In February 2017, Chatham House published Woody Biomass for Power and Heat: Impacts on the Global Climate, by Duncan Brack. Broadly picked up by media in the UK and elsewhere, the report argues that policies promoting wood for...
The Land use, Land use change and Forestry (LULUCF) regulation currently being debated by the European Parliament will remain in the sole competence of the Environment (ENVI) Committee, the Conference of Committee Chairs has...
A new Fern picture story zooms into the reality of what ‘community benefits’ truly mean on the ground. For nearly two years Cameroonian Civil Society Organisations have been campaigning for better community social benefits from...
Finland’s industrial logging is already threatening the climate and its indigenous Sámi people, and yet last year the Finnish government confirmed its intention to increase harvesting the country’s forests by nearly 25 per cent ...