
A Deforestation and Rights Observatory

15 Dezember 2021

Written by: Peter May & Saskia Ozinga

A Deforestation and Rights Observatory

A case study from Brazil

Read the case study Read the summary report

The European Union (EU) has stated that it will create a Forest Observatory, focussing on deforestation, forest degradation, changes in the world’s forest cover, and associated drivers. This Forest Observatory will play a role in the enforcement of the published but yet to be adopted EU Regulation on deforestation-free products.

'A Deforestation and Rights Obsevartory' is a case study from Brazil.  Among tropical forested nations, Brazil has the most comprehensive system in place to monitor deforestation and several promising initiatives that allow the public and private sector to scrutinise beef and soybean production and supply chains to see if they are leading to deforestation in the Amazon and the Cerrado. Brazil does not yet have a system that links the production of commodities and the trade in these commodities to human rights violations, including customary tenure rights or forced labour.

This report shows which Brazilian data could and should be used by the EU Forest Observatory. It also includes recommendations for the EU Forest Observatory and the final EU Regulation on deforestation-free products.

It is also available as a summary report.

Kategorien: Reports, Brazil

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