All eyes on the European Commission, as a crucial EU decision on forest monitoring is due
11 September 2023

The European Commission has pledged to release a key law on EU Forest Observation, Reporting and Data Collection in the first quarter of 2023.
Rarely has the need for this law been so pressing. Last summer, Europe’s forests have been ravaged by fires like never before. Many studies also suggest a grim picture of the state of Europe’s forests.
At present, forest reporting mechanisms are scattered and lack coherence. Such law would bring detailed, accurate, regular and timely information on the condition and management of EU forests, and on the many products and ecosystem services that forests provide. Such information would bring the tools to better monitor, anticipate and respond to challenges posed to forests by the climate crisis and the transition away from fossil fuels.
Networks and NGOs representing more than 200 organisations from all EU member states sent today a letter to the EU Commission urging them to follow up on its commitment to create a coordinated forest monitoring system.
Kategorien: NGO Statements, European forests