Black Lives Matter: Listening to those on the front-line
9 Juli 2020
The following non-exhaustive list of articles about racial discrimination and injustice helps guide our understanding of how they are embedded in environmental issues. If you have recommendations of thought-provoking perspectives that you think should be included, please let us know.
General reading about environmental racism:
- 16 Essential books about environmental justice, racism and activism(EcoWatch)
- Climate activists: Here’s why your work depends on ending police violence; Dany Sigwalt (M The Sustainability X Magazine)
- Environmentalism’s racist history (The New Yorker)
- Green Voices of Color (Twitter)
- Read up on the links between racism and the environment; Somini Sengupta (The New York Times)
- Tales of two planets: Stories of climate change and inequality in a divided world; multiple authors and country perspectives
- Toxic communities: Environmental racism, industrial pollution, and residential mobility; Dorceta E. Taylor (New York University Press)
European articles about anti-racism tied to historical resource extraction and other environmental justice issues
- Conservationists find opportunity and community amidst current crises; Mike Gaworechi (Mongabay Audio)
- Environmental justice means racial justice, say activists; Nina Lakhani and Jonathan Watts (The Guardian)
- European Parliament anti-racism resolution: Words need to be followed up with real action (ENAR: European Network Against Racism)
- How racial injustice and the climate crisis are inseparable emergencies; Nylah Burton (Vogue UK)
- Polluting the poor: An emerging environmental justice agenda for the UK? Gordon Walker and Karen Bickerstaff (Goldsmiths College, University of London)
- Racism, solidarity and possibilities of resistance; Shakuntala Banaji (LSE)
- The Climate crisis is a racist crisis: shut it down (#BlackLivesMatterUK)
- US protests reignite Belgian colonialism debate (EURACTIV Network)
- What does #BlackLivesMatter mean in Europe? (CRAN: Conseil Représentatif des Associations Noires)
Environmental racism in African countries:
- A Colonialist land grab is happening right now in Congo; Fiore Longo (Common Dreams)
- Africa does not need saving during this pandemic;Robtel Neajai Pailey (Al Jazeera)
- African tribes losing ground to conservation; James Reinl (Al Jazeera)
- Decolonizing human-animal relations in an African Context: The story of the mourning elephants; Angela Roothaan (African Environmental Ethics)
- Environmental justice: Towards an African perspective; Margaret Ssebunya,Stephen Nkansah Morgan,Beatrice D. Okyere-Manu (African Environmental Ethics)
- L’œuvre négative du néocolonialisme français et européen en Afrique. La politique migratoire : Une « Réalpolitique » meurtrière (FUIQP).
- Q&A: Organizing for climate justice in Sub-Saharan Africa (Open Society Foundations)
- The Elephant in the room: Confronting the colonial character of wildlife conservation in Africa; Elizabeth Garland (African Studies Review)
- ‘The Source of danger is black people’ – Why is racism normalized in conservation? (Survival International)
- When WWF’s conservation looks like colonialism, it’s time for a new approach; Sophie Grig (The Independent)
Organisations working on anti-racism in Europe
- Anti-Racism Information Service
- Centre for Equal Opportunities and Opposition to Racism
- CRAN − Conseil Représentatif des Associations Noires
- ELDH − European Association of Lawyers for Democracy & World Human Rights
- European Network Against Racism
- FUIQP: Front Uni des Immigrations et des Quartiers Populaires
- LICRA : Ligue Internationale Contre le Racisme et l’Antisémitisme
- Resourcing Racial Justice
- UNITED for Intercultural Action
- United Nations Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination
Syllabi with other relevant publications:
If you want to know more please visit the Black Lives Matter website and sign the petitions below:
Kategorie: News