
Cameroonian civil society expresses concern about ERPIN

15 Oktober 2015

Cameroonian NGOs are calling on Carbon Fund participants, including the EU, to not endorse Cameroon’s Emission Reductions Program Idea Note (ERPIN).

Participants of the Carbon Fund are meeting in Brussels on 13 October to discuss the ERPINs submitted by a number of countries, including those engaged in FLEGT Voluntary Partnership Agreement (VPA) processes, such as Cameroon, Ivory Coast and Indonesia.

Cameroonian and international NGOs have jointly expressed serious concerns about the Cameroonian ERPIN: the proposal was developed without proper consultation of the communities concerned or of civil society, in breach of national Free Prior Informed Consent (FPIC) guidelines.

Moreover the ERPIN fails to respond to major drivers of deforestation and seems to be both incoherent and inconsistent with government commitments to sustainable management of natural resources. NGOs therefore recommend that the Carbon Fund does not endorse the ERPIN at this stage.

Kategorie: Cameroon

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