
EU rules on packaging

14 April 2023

EU rules on packaging

NGO perspectives on the urgent need to reduce paper packaging

The EU is currently revising the rules around Packaging and Packaging Waste.  

Moves to reduce excessive packaging and single-use items are necessary and overdue. For decades European Union (EU) citizens have had to contend with an overwhelming and increasing amount of packaging and packaging waste. 

It is timely, therefore, that the EU is currently revising its rules on packaging and packaging waste. It is important that such legislation aims to do away with single-use items, rather than driving material substitutions like replacing single-use plastic with single-use paper. 

In the EU, half of all paper is now used for packaging, and ‘paper and cardboard’ is the main packaging waste material. 

This briefing presents the position of NGOs on what needs to happen to truly reduce the negative environmental, social and climatic impacts of the paper and packaging industries 

For the wider NGO position on EU packaging rules, please see the position paper developed by the Rethink Plastic alliance.  

Kategorien: Briefing Notes, NGO Statements, Paper packaging

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