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The needs of those whose lives will be hardest hit by climate change and biodiversity loss must come before economic and geopolitical interests.
The EU was about to discard its best weapon in the fight against illegal logging. Then civil society groups around the world pushed back. Marie-Ange Kalenga looks at a crisis that was averted.
A US-Vietnam agreement underscores FLEGT’s broad impact
Lush, tropical forests cover approximately 40 per cent of Cameroon, yet since 1990, more than three million hectares have been cleared – an area approximately the size of Belgium. The destruction is driven by agriculture, logging...
In the Republic of the Congo (RoC), the forestry sector continues to face governance challenges. Authorities often struggle to enforce laws and sanction illegal logging practices, and corruption remains omnipresent. Civil society...
The political instability that still confronts the Central African Republic undermines the protection and inclusive management of its forests. Almost non-existent government control and increases in chaotic logging threaten the...
This letter was sent to Prime Minister Janez Janša and Minister Jean-Yves Le Drian.We are a group of environmental and human rights NGOs that work to advance forest governance and forest peoples’ rights globally. We are writing to...
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Ironically, the future of the programme that insisted on openness in partner countries’ forest sectors is frustratingly opaque.
In Ghana, long-standing roadblocks to progress on forest governance are now being tackled by a new Minister.
Forest rich countries have invested time, energy, and resources in cleaning up their forest sector and have achieved important successes. NGOs have joined forces to tell the European Commission that the Forest Law Enforcement, Governance and Trade Action Plan is more important than ever.