Anzeige der Ergebnisse 31 bis 40 von 112
The EU seems to be considering rewarding Liberia’s administrative foot-dragging by abandoning FLEGT – communities and CSOs fear the pillage of Liberia’s remaining forests.
That parts of the European Commission seem to be losing interest in the flagship governance programme, even as Ghana’s hope to issue licences is renewed, has sent a shockwave
Civil society organisations urge the EU to stay the course with visionary FLEGT programme
Ursula von der Leyen is the first European Union (EU) Commission President to publicly recognise how important forests are to life on our planet. But with the climate crisis and biodiversity collapse looming, time is short to turn...
How does the EU impact the world and how can civil society influence EU policies?
The EU has a huge influence over the fate of the world’s forests.
Its trade deals, aid strategies, energy and climate policies, and imports of...
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Indigenous land rights are essential to reduce deforestation, fight climate change and build resilient forests and communities. In fact, lands own or managed by Indigenous Peoples or local communities, hold over 36% of intact...
The Farm to Fork Strategy includes a section on the external dimension entitled “Promoting the Global Transition”. The attention for the external dimension is crucial not only because the challenges the Strategy is seeking to...
The World Health Organisation (WHO) considers the Central African health system to be among the most fragile in the world, making the country particularly vulnerable to the COVID-19 pandemic. Health protocols have been in...
Donors should take note of well-considered alternative to forest conversion.
Germany has a chance to raise climate ambition and shape three important relationships.