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On December 11, the European Commission, now headed by former German defence minister Ursula von der Leyen, published its long awaited proposal for a European Green Deal.
It contains two standalone forest initiatives as well as...
We are already missing our forest-health targets, climate action needs to protect our forests, not endanger them.
Now comes the task of separating the wheat (value chain and market access measures) from the chaff (labels).
Companies will back producer countries’ bold move to raise cocoa prices, and are also showing support for EU regulation.
When violence continues unchecked in a Member State, the Commission must intervene to ensure that European values are upheld and regulations are respected.
The Climate Action Summit had a host of upsides. Most came with a downside.
Logging occurs far beyond what is permitted or reported, even within Natura 2000 sites.
How do the Commissioners-designate plan to protect forests and people and halt deforestation, both within and outside the EU? Fern follows the hearings.
The Climate Action Summit may have disappointed, but the new EU Commission First Vice-President is off to a positive start.
NGO leaders from tropical forested nations offer first-hand accounts on what is needed for effective forest protection.