Mostrando resultados 11 a 20 de 131
The EU Critical Raw Materials Regulation (CRMR) sets out a range of measures to increase production of Critical Raw Materials (CRM), reduce the EU’s dependency on imports, and the environmental and social impacts of their...
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Fern commissioned EU bioenergy and forest policy expert Duncan Brack to analyse Drax and Exergi’s proposed methodology, and he identified severe shortcomings. This analysis of Drax and Exergi’s proposal highlights the problems with relying on the very companies that would benefit from the building and operating industrial removals projects to create EU methodologies.
The European Union and Member States have taken a pioneering role in adopting Human Rights and Environmental Due Diligence (HREDD) laws, such as the June 2023 adoption of the Regulation on deforestation-free products (EUDR). The...
In February 2024, the European Commission issued its 2040 climate target Communication, which proposes to reduce net greenhouse gases (GHG) by 90 per cent compared to 1990 levels.
Several elements of the Communication will have...
Looking back on the journey and to the road ahead
This report sheds light on the achievements and challenges in the implementation of the European Union Sustainable Cocoa Initiative, which aims to deliver on European Green Deal...
Best practices in Brazil and the new EU regulation on deforestation-free products
Vietnam is one of the world’s leading wood processing hubs and the European Union is a high value, strategic market for its wood and wooden furniture. Around 600,000 people are employed in wood processing and furniture manufacturing in Vietnam. Little has been said about labour rights in Vietnam’s wood sector. This report aims to rectify this. It is based on in-depth interviews with a sample of 40 workers from various sections of different wood processing and furniture manufacturing companies supplying to the EU.
The potential of forests to supply the European bioeconomy
The European businesses making reuse a reality
The EU Regulation on deforestation-free products aims to curb deforestation and forest degradation driven by imports of forest and ecosystem-risk commodities. It is expected to be adopted in 2023.
This new report analyses drafts...