Mostrando resultados 21 a 30 de 42
The word ‘carbon’ appears with relentless ubiquity in the news and in government policy and legislation. It is discussed as if it were a simple, almost abstract and easily quantifiable substance. However, like many ubiquitous...
Environmental offsetting enables a company, country or individual to be legally or morally allowed to pollute or otherwise damage the environment as long as they pay someone else somewhere else to attempt to compensate for some or all of the negative consequences.
Carbon trading is the process of buying and selling permits and credits that allow the permit holder to emit carbon dioxide.
The N’hambita Forest Carbon Offset Pilot Project, run by the company Envirotrade, and initially funded by European Commission (EC) money, has failed to deliver most of its climate change, development, financial and learning...
This short briefing looking at how State Aid is being used to offset the indirect costs of the EU Emissions Trading Scheme (EU ETS). The Commission is attempting to remedy the low price of carbon, but State Aid guidelines mean...
Given the urgent need to limit global warming, it is vital that the European Union (EU) gives itself the best tools with which to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Since the launch of the EU's ‘cornerstone policy’ to reduce...
FERN wrote this guest commentary for PointCarbon ( to highlight that the time has come to give up waiting for the "market" to deliver the structural changes needed to keep global warming below two degrees and...
This briefing provides an overview of the publicly documented involvement of the European Investment Bank (EIB) in support of failing carbon markets. It is based on a report by the organisations Counter Balance and Campagna per la...
Many governments believe that carbon trading will provide substantial funding to protect or sustainably manage forests in their countries via proposed schemes to Reduce Emissions from Deforestation and Degradation (REDD). This...
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This manual was put together by the partners of the Grundtvig Learning Partnership “Forests and climate protection – merging topics in environmental education”. It provides background information for developing new approaches in...