Mostrando resultados 31 a 40 de 42
¿Diseñado para fracasar? Los conceptos, las prácticas y las controversias detrás del comercio de carbono. Ahora disponible en español.El calentamiento global es ya una realidad. Los climatólogos advierten que, a menos que...
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UNFCCC decision on REDD poised to undermine rights and increase conflict in forested areas. International NGOs call for a halt to REDD+1 until guarantees can be made that indigenous rights can be respected, it will not be funded...
In the drive to tackle climate change, carbon trading has become the policy instrument of choice among governments. It is also a central element of the UNFCCC’s Kyoto Protocol. National or regional carbon trading schemes are now...
This briefing paper unravels the implications of setting a historical baseline with a correction factor for low deforestation countries. It also explains why carbon markets are unlikely to raise the anticipated funds for forest...
A short briefing note looking at research into the impact of trading forest carbon credits on carbon markets, and the subsequent effect on forests and the climate.
Although contrary evidence is overwhelming and growing, policymakers in the North seem to believe that carbon trading is the best mechanism to address climate change. The EU, Japan, the US and Australia all have their own trading...
This report describes the different country proposals on the table to reduce emissions from deforestation and forest degradation (REDD) in the lead up to a forest climate agreement to be agreed by the UNFCCC in December 2009. It...
This briefing explains why the UNFCC Conference in Bali (December 2007) needs to answer certain important questions related to forest governance and forest peoples' rights before negotiating a post-2012 climate agreement that may...
Fake 'credit card' leaflet.
Representatives from people’s movements and organizations worldwide gathered in South Africa from 4-7 October 2004 to help forge a global people’s movement for action on climate change and to condemn the rapidly emerging market in...