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To reach the Paris Agreement temperature target of limiting temperature rise to 1,5 degrees we must preserve and restore forests. On the 16th of November 2017 our event looked at how forest restoration can be undertaken in a way...
The EU Renewable Energy Directive was launched in 2009 to great fanfare and the promise that the EU would fulfil at least 20 per cent of its total energy needs with renewables. Few could have guessed that a policy intended to help...
Despite its own consultation on how to halt biodiversity loss showing little support for biodiversity offsetting in the EU, the European Commission has released a large and detailed study on how to implement biodiversity...
Saskia Ozinga remembers Wally Menne, of southern Africa’s Timberwatch Coalition, who passed away 26 October 2017: “I first met Wally Menne at a meeting of the World Rainforest Movement in Montevideo, Uruguay in 1998. He expressed...
Despite some positive points, the Environment Committee of the European Parliament (ENVI) failed to set EU bioenergy policy on a sensible course when it voted, October 2017, on the Renewable Energy Directive (REDII). The...
LoggingOff and Fern publish occasional Forest Watch updates detailing events in countries negotiating a Voluntary Partnership Agreement from a civil society perspective. In the November 2017 edition, the main article focuses on...
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Unlike other sectors, international aviation is not included in 2015’s Paris Agreement. This has allowed aviation to lag behind other sectors when it comes to reducing emissions. In the face of mounting criticism, the...
This press release exposes the flaws in the airline industry’s plans to offset its carbon emissions.
Two of Europe’s major banks have agreed to stop financing a controversial Indonesian pulp and paper company after a campaign by Greenpeace. Spanish banking group Banco Santander said it had decided not to continue current funding...