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Despite everyone’s better judgment, carbon credit games continue – putting community rights in danger as 10 per cent of Liberia is put up for sale.
The climate crisis is more urgent than ever. Yet the EU debate on rules for carbon removals is focused on carbon offsetting which will further fuel climate chaos. This false solution allows polluters to avoid emissions reductions and distracts us from the urgent need for real, deep cuts. Tell the EU we need real solutions now.
Lessons for the EU from Label Bas-Carbone forestry projects in France
In November 2022, the European Commission presented a proposal for an European Union (EU) Regulation on certification of activities that remove carbon from the atmosphere ('carbon removals'), which included voluntary minimum...
As the EU continues to think about how to certify carbon removals, evidence mounts of the problems with offsets and forest certification in general.
New research has confirmed the concerns that NGOs have been raising about carbon offsetting for years.
Today, the European Commission published its proposal for a regulation on carbon removals – activities and products that remove carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. Fern believes it is not just ineffective but harmful.
A central...
Today, the European Commission released its revised 2030 climate and energy package. Despite overwhelming scientific evidence that burning forest biomass accelerates climate change and destroys biodiversity, the Commission ignored...
The California Air Resources Board (CARB) has adopted a repackaged, unproven standard for California. But its impact might not stop there.