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If European Union targets are met, by the year 2020, 20 per cent of the EU’s energy consumption will come from renewable sources. In an attempt to achieve this target, the EU is investing heavily in new sources of energy,...
This briefing explains that there is effectively only one realistic and sustainable way to remove large amounts of carbon dioxide (CO2) from the atmosphere (negative emissions): forests.With much of Europe’s land already taken up...
The European Parliament is currently discussing the recast of the Renewable Energy Directive (RED II) which will determine how biomass can be used for energy towards meeting the EU’s renewable energy target and minimum...
Fern commissioned this study of gender issues in Ghana’s FLEGT VPA as a tentative first step to looking at gender issues which have to date received only scant attention. It offers TAYLOR CRABBE INITIATIVE’s observations about how...
The forest sector is particularly vulnerable to poor governance including corruption, fraud, and organised crime. Illegality in the sector generates vast sums of money and has helped fuel long and bloody conflicts. Even in...
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On 26 May 2017, the still-new African Court handed down a landmark ruling on a case brought against the Government of Kenya by the African Commission on Human and Peoples Rights on behalf of the Mau Ogiek forest dweller community....
Keeping forests standing and restoring ecosystems is essential if the world is to meet biodiversity objectives and the Paris Agreement goal of limiting global warming to 1.5 degrees.The EU will be an important player and has...
This briefing takes stock of the VPA between Vietnam and the EU at a key juncture: as the Agreement formally moves from its negotiation to ratification phase.
It assesses the VPA – and the negotiation process – from a civil...
European climate and energy policies are built on the myth that all bioenergy - being a renewable energy source - is good for the climate and good for the environment. As the use of bioeenrgy in the EU is expected to more than...
Soy is the second largest agricultural driver of deforestation after cattle products (with agriculture responsible for about 70 per cent of all deforestation). According to a 2013 study for the European Commission, soy expansion...