Mostrando resultados 1 a 10 de 33
Sharm El-Sheikh is the last stop for forest commitments to get back on course; local and Indigenous communities and their civil society partners must take part in the solutions at hand.
Industry efforts to keep cocoa prices low trap small farmers in poverty; the EU has two chances to redress the balance.
By moving its cut-off date back by a quarter century, the FSC’s General Assembly hopes to motivate destructive forest companies to remedy past harm – but will the 'carrot' work?
The EU’s policy bioenergy policies are being repeated around the world. It is urgent that the EU realises the damage this is causing and disincentivises primary woody biomass in the revision of the Renewable Energy Directive.
As International Day of Action against Big Biomass comes around again, Fern campaigner Martin Pigeon considers individual EU Member States’ variable reliance on primary woody biomass and what a fair solution would look like.
Citizens and NGOs urge EU negotiators to be bold and take advantage of this historic opportunity to stop imports of products that cause deforestation.
Bolsonaro fared better in Congressional elections than expected. Whatever happens now, Brazilians will need to fight to protect their forests.
Researchers and scientists concur that dramatically reducing the forest harvest is low-hanging fruit that must be picked to halt the widespread plummet in carbon absorption.
The EU’s Domestic Advisory Group insists that civil society is a necessary part of monitoring sustainability commitments, and Vietnamese civil society needs the space to operate freely.
The world’s climate events and forest fires continue to underscore the urgency of action to reduce deforestation. But is the EU going down the right path? Ambassadors of 14 countries attacked a proposed EU Regulation, but Fern’s partners in those countries feel it is more nuanced.