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In February 2024, the European Commission issued its 2040 climate target Communication, which proposes to reduce net greenhouse gases (GHG) by 90 per cent compared to 1990 levels.
Several elements of the Communication will have...
Member States are presently required to undertake limited EU level forest monitoring. This is problematic since forests are key to meeting EU biodiversity and climate goals, and there is a fast deteriorating trend in both. The...
Conversations with foresters on the drawbacks of intensive forestry and the solutions offered by close-to-nature practices
How community restoration and management of forests can help meet climate goals
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Finland is a test case in the fight against climate change. As the world edges closer to breaching the Paris Agreement goal of keeping global temperature rises below 2 degrees, forests have become increasingly important in...
There are currently no sustainability standards for biomass production in Bulgaria at either national or EU level. Meanwhile interest is growing in new biomass plants, boilers, and combined heat and power (CHP) plants. This report...
This report looks at solid and gaseous biomass use in the Czech Republic to see whether existing legal and regulatory frameworks are sufficient to guarantee sustainable biomass production. It concludes that to achieve responsible...
Projections of future wood availability indicate that Finnish forests should be able to provide sufficient to achieve the country’s 2020 targets for renewable energy. Beyond 2020 it is difficult to predict whether forests will be...
Though EU policy aims to give equal weight to the 'commercial interests' versus 'ecological interests' of forests, in practice, commercial interests have dominated. This is concerning given that forests can help mitigate the...
Looking at how the European Fund for Rural Development affects Europe's forests, this report is the culmination of research and reports from Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Ireland, Hungary, Portugal and Romania. It reveals that the...