
EU Deforestation Regulation implementation must work for small-scale farmers

20 noviembre 2023

EU Deforestation Regulation implementation must work for small-scale farmers

The EU Regulation on deforestation-free products (EUDR) has the potential to not only halt worldwide deforestation, but also strengthen small-scale farmers’ rights and improve their livelihoods.  

This statement from smallholders groups and NGOs in forest-product consuming and producing countries raises awareness about the risk that the most vulnerable actors in the supply chain will also face the highest burden in terms of complying with the EUDR. It recommends ways to ensure that implementation of the Regulation is socially just.

Recommendations include: 

  • Ensuring that small-scale farmers are included in discussions around EUDR implementation, particularly when it comes to traceability, compliance, cost burdens and fair purchasing prices. 

  • Undertaking a swift assessment of the EUDR’s likely impacts on smallholders and smallholders’ needs.  

  • Offering small-scale farmers technical, legal and financial support.  

  • Supporting national or public traceability systems, as long as they are inclusive of smallholders and adhere to high standards of governance and transparency.  

  • Supporting initiatives to increase smallholders’ direct access to the EU market. 

Categorías: NGO Statements, EU Regulation on deforestation-free products

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