Mostrando resultados 11 a 20 de 53
How does the EU impact the world and how can civil society influence EU policies?
The EU has a huge influence over the fate of the world’s forests.
Its trade deals, aid strategies, energy and climate policies, and imports of...
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Significant developments with the EU-Mercosur free trade agreement in recent weeks will reveal whether the possibility of the deal being placed in the deep-freeze is enough to unlock a change of course in Brazil.
After the...
On 5 October 2020 the UK government closed its first round of consultation on a proposed law designed to prevent forests and other important natural areas from being illegally converted into agricultural land (FW 258). This...
Britons, on average, devour 700,000 tonnes of chocolate a year, or three bars a week per person. But how many of them are aware of the provenance of their chocolate, or its true cost?
Most chocolate sold in the UK is made from...
Germany has at last acknowledged that the EU-Mercosur deal is toxic, joining a growing number of Member States (Austria, Belgium, France, the Netherlands, and Luxembourg) that have expressed concerns – and also revealing the...
Brazil's environmental policies affect some of the world’s most important forests and can have a devastating effect on the traditional communities that live in and off them. This has a knock-on effect on the climate, our planet,...
Since taking office in January 2019, President Jair Bolsonaro has waged a relentless campaign against Brazil’s environmental laws and the rights of its Indigenous Peoples.
This assault helped paved the way for the fires that tore...
El Defensor del Pueblo Europeo ha abierto una investigación sobre el acuerdo comercial de la Comisión Europea con el grupo de países sudamericanos del Mercado Común del Sur (Mercosur).
Esta da continuidad a una queja presentada...
Time overdue for the EU to end its role in Brazil’s environmental and social crimes
Según una reciente denuncia, la Comisión Europea ha ignorado su obligación legal de garantizar que el acuerdo comercial con el grupo de países sudamericanos del Mercado Común del Sur (Mercosur) no dé lugar a una degradación...