Twenty-six NGOs, have urged European Institutions to end European complicity in the fires raging in the Amazon by passing tough new laws guaranteeing that products sold in the EU are free from deforestation and human rights abuses. The NGOs, which include Fern, Greenpeace, Friends of the Earth Europe, Global Witness, also outline how EU Member States have helped fuel the current crisis through their extensive imports of soy and beef.
The European Union (EU) must rethink how it uses land and forests in the fight against climate breakdown in the light of today’s special report on Land and Climate Change by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC).
European Union (EU) trade and investment policies is an important factor in driving deforestation, notably through its demand for commodities, including for livestock and dairy production.
Yes, there is a vast body of evidence confirming direct and indirect links between trade and deforestation, as well as other forms of environmental destruction.