Mostrando resultados 31 a 40 de 394
The European businesses making reuse a reality
Lessons for the EU from Label Bas-Carbone forestry projects in France
Every year an estimated 5,000 migrant seasonal workers come to Sweden to do the back-breaking work of clearing landscapes and planting trees. They make up 85 – 90 per cent of the workforce and are employed by firms sub-contracted by the companies that dominate Sweden’s forest sector.
Consumers are concerned about rising packaging levels. Dealing with outsized delivery boxes is frustrating. Discarding dirty food containers is inconvenient. Deciphering recycling symbols can be bewildering.
European forests are losing biodiversity at an alarming rate with only 14 per cent of protected forest habitats in good condition. Intensive management is undermining sustainability.
To reverse this we must:
strictly protect...
In June 2019, after more than 20 years of tortuous negotiations, a bilateral trade agreement was agreed between the European Union (EU) and the Mercosur bloc of nations - Brazil, Paraguay, Argentina and Uruguay (European Union...
NGO perspectives on the urgent need to reduce paper packaging
For agricultural and forested land, the aims of the European Commission’s proposed voluntary EU Carbon Removal Certification Framework (CRCF) include:
Increasing carbon removals by establishing EU criteria and methods to...
El Reglamento de la Unión Europea (UE) sobre productos libres de deforestación (EUDR, por sus siglas en inglés), cuya adopción está prevista para la próxima primavera, prohíbe a las empresas introducir productos en el mercado de...
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A finales de octubre de 2022, el pueblo brasileño votó en contra del Presidente Bolsonaro y eligió a Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva. Los defensores del acuerdo de libre comercio entre la Unión Europea (UE) y el Mercosur confían en que...