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El 17 de noviembre de 2021, la Comisión Europea dio a conocer su propuesta para un Reglamento sobre productos libres de deforestación que tiene por objeto evitar que algunos productos básicos y productos derivados que generan deforestación ingresen en el mercado de la Unión Europea (UE). La propuesta se debatirá en el Parlamento Europeo y el Consejo durante el año 2022, antes de convertirse en ley. Resulta oportuno analizar el contenido de la propuesta y cuáles son sus puntos fuertes y débiles.
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In 2021, CARE France, Coordination Sud, GRET and Fern organised a series of webinars to discuss civil society’s role in implementing climate action that protects biodiversity and local communities. These meetings provided an...
Forests are crucial to keeping average global temperature rise below 1.5°C. Their protection and restoration could provide a cost-effective solution for climate mitigation, and adaptation. To meet targets for the Agriculture,...
This position paper, signed by 32 NGOs from across Europe, outlines how the EU can create a bioenergy policy that civil society and citizens can support.
The world needs a great global forest restoration. But for that to work climatically, socially or ecologically it also needs a global restoration of land rights for forest dwellers. By Fred Pearce.
Conversations with foresters on the drawbacks of intensive forestry and the solutions offered by close-to-nature practices
Joint contribution to the EU’s Trade and Sustainable Development (TSD) Review
In Mid-December 2021 the European Commission is due to release a regulatory proposal to minimise the European Union’s (EU) deforestation and forest degradation footprint. In advance of this draft proposal, six NGOs have come...
Why the European Commission's 2030 climate and energy proposal is unfit for forests.
Tropical forests and those who depend on them are at greatest risk where their governance is weak. The Voluntary Partnership Agreements (VPAs) that the EU - and, post-Brexit, the UK independently - establishes with forested...