Affichant les résultats 11 à 16 sur 16
A US-Vietnam agreement underscores FLEGT’s broad impact
In a letter, a coalition of NGOs urged the EU Commission to ensure that all soy imports, including soybean cake and soy-protein concentrate (SPC), and those produced through the conversion of savannahs, are included in the scope...
Transparency International est un mouvement mondial animé par une vision : un monde dans lequel les États, les entreprises, la société civile et les individus dans leur quotidien seraient épargnés par la corruption sous toutes ses...
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This position paper, signed by 32 NGOs from across Europe, outlines how the EU can create a bioenergy policy that civil society and citizens can support.
The United States and the European Union are on the verge of passing historic anti-deforestation laws. But for all their strengths, both still have major flaws, write Nicole Polsterer and Etelle Higonnet.
With the delay of two legislative proposals on deforestation and sustainable corporate governance, accountability has been pushed back.