Affichant les résultats 41 à 50 sur 160
Tropical forests and those who depend on them are at greatest risk where their governance is weak. The Voluntary Partnership Agreements (VPAs) that the EU - and, post-Brexit, the UK independently - establishes with forested...
Forest rich countries have invested time, energy, and resources in cleaning up their forest sector and have achieved important successes. NGOs have joined forces to tell the European Commission that the Forest Law Enforcement, Governance and Trade Action Plan is more important than ever.
Les APV FLEGT méritent d’être défendus
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The EU seems to be considering rewarding Liberia’s administrative foot-dragging by abandoning FLEGT – communities and CSOs fear the pillage of Liberia’s remaining forests.
That parts of the European Commission seem to be losing interest in the flagship governance programme, even as Ghana’s hope to issue licences is renewed, has sent a shockwave
L’Union européenne (UE) est le plus grand donateur au monde et un acteur politique d’envergure doté d’un important pouvoir d’influence sur les politiques mondiales. Elle est consciente du rôle essentiel que joue la société civile...
Civil society organisations urge the EU to stay the course with visionary FLEGT programme
Quelles contributions des CDN à la gouvernance forestière et à la résilience des communautés locales ?
Ursula von der Leyen is the first European Union (EU) Commission President to publicly recognise how important forests are to life on our planet. But with the climate crisis and biodiversity collapse looming, time is short to turn...
To tackle the climate crisis, EU land and forests need to absorb more carbon dioxide, but the opposite is happening. EU forest health and biodiversity is declining, even in EU forests protected by legislation. Half of all the wood...