Affichant les résultats 51 à 60 sur 107
Following the killing of Liviu Pop, a Romanian forest ranger who was out investigating illegal logging, European civil society organisations wrote to Romania's President Klaus Iohannis.
We call on Romania’s Presidency and...
En septembre 2019, des défenseurs de l'environnement et des droits humains d'Afrique et d'Asie sont venus dans l'Union européenne pour tirer la sonnette d'alarme concernant l'accélération de la perte de forêts dans les régions du...
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The Climate Crisis is real and we’re already seeing the effects. Our hotter planet is hurting millions of people, affecting our weather, water, forests, cities, homes, and wildlife.
Since #Fridays4Future started last summer, the...
On August 29, twenty-six NGOs, have sent an open letter to European leaders urging them to end European complicity in the fires raging in the Amazon.
NGOs believe the EU can act decisively in two ways. 1. Suspend ratification...
On June 18, 340+ civil society organizations wrote to call on the European Union to use its influence to prevent a worsening human rights and environmental situation in Brazil.
On 7 December, the European Commission released a mid-term review of the EU forest strategy, stating that it was “on track” to achieve its 2020 aims. Given that this review will form the basis of the next Forest Multi-Annual...
Imaginez un monde sans forêts ... En 2017, nous avons perdu plus de forêts tropicales que pratiquement toutes les années précédentes, en raison notamment des investissements et des importations de l’Union européenne (UE) en...
In December 2018, the European Commission announced plans to “step up European Action against Deforestation and Forest Degradation”. A new Commission Communication is foreseen in the second quarter of 2019 to “develop a more...
Last summer, Greta Thunberg, a 15-year old Swedish girl started a lone strike outside of the Swedish Parliament to protest against lack of action on climate change. She had one simple ask, for the Swedish government to come up...
46 groups - representing environmental, climate and social justice organisations in the main wood pellet exporting regions and elsewhere - are deeply concerned about proposals to permit Cordemais Power Station to be kept open...