Affichant les résultats 1 à 10 sur 13
In June 2019, after more than 20 years of tortuous negotiations, a bilateral trade agreement was agreed between the European Union (EU) and the Mercosur bloc of nations - Brazil, Paraguay, Argentina and Uruguay (European Union...
À la fin du mois d'octobre 2022, le peuple brésilien a élu Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva comme leur nouveau président, mettant fin au mandat de Bolsonaro. Les partisans de l'accord de libre-échange (ALE) Mercosur conclu avec l'Union...
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Jair Bolsonaro is finally facing global opposition to the destruction he has wrought, so why is the EU still considering signing the Mercosur trade deal?
This EU-Mercosur Free Trade Agreement will increase trade in the agricultural products that are the main drivers of deforestation in South America. This is opposite of what needs to happen for the EU to achieve its commitments to...
Les effets des accords commerciaux se répercutent sur les communautés locales, sur la vie individuelle des femmes, des hommes et des enfants, ainsi que sur les forêts et les habitats qui les entourent.
Cette note d'information...
Significant developments with the EU-Mercosur free trade agreement in recent weeks will reveal whether the possibility of the deal being placed in the deep-freeze is enough to unlock a change of course in Brazil.
After the...
Germany has at last acknowledged that the EU-Mercosur deal is toxic, joining a growing number of Member States (Austria, Belgium, France, the Netherlands, and Luxembourg) that have expressed concerns – and also revealing the...
Brazil's environmental policies affect some of the world’s most important forests and can have a devastating effect on the traditional communities that live in and off them. This has a knock-on effect on the climate, our planet,...
Time overdue for the EU to end its role in Brazil’s environmental and social crimes
As Europe seeks to lessen its responsibility for environmental and social harm, the Dutch Parliament adds another obstacle to the controversial EU-Mercosur trade deal.