Affichant les résultats 1 à 10 sur 22
Pierre-Jean Sol Brasier’s visit to Brazil offers insights about the stakes of the path to be chosen next October.
The world needs a great global forest restoration. But to succeed, it will require the restoration of the rights of forest dwellers: the people who know forests best and have the most reason to defend and nurture them, says Fred Pearce, award-winning writer and Fern board member.
Britons, on average, devour 700,000 tonnes of chocolate a year, or three bars a week per person. But how many of them are aware of the provenance of their chocolate, or its true cost?
Most chocolate sold in the UK is made from...
Since taking office in January 2019, President Jair Bolsonaro has waged a relentless campaign against Brazil’s environmental laws and the rights of its Indigenous Peoples.
This assault helped paved the way for the fires that tore...
Time overdue for the EU to end its role in Brazil’s environmental and social crimes
Le Brésil vit une période de turbulences.
En l’espace d’un mois, deux ministres de la Santé et le ministre de la Justice ont quitté le gouvernement, plongeant l’administration de Jair Bolsonaro dans la tourmente, alors que la...
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Perrine Fournier analyses the French-Dutch call for making trade more sustainable in EU free trade agreements.
Les évêques catholiques parlent de la protection des peuples autochtones et des forêts tropicales en Amazonie et dans le monde : Il est temps d'écouter le cri des peuples et de la nature.
Tropical forests are likely to grab headlines today when Jair Bolsonaro addresses the United Nations’ General Assembly in New York.
In early September, just before a hernia operation, Brazil’s President told reporters, “I will...
Images of the Amazon burning have caused global alarm. They have also, say observers, triggered a response unparalleled in the history of the politics around climate change: the setting of international red lines on environmental destruction.