LoggingOff et Fern publient une publication bi-mensuelle Forest Watch Special – Actualité des APV traitant des événements qui ont marqué les pays signataires ou en négociation d’un Accord de Partenariat Volontaire avec l’Union...
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Fern commissioned this study of gender issues in Ghana’s FLEGT VPA as a tentative first step to looking at gender issues which have to date received only scant attention. It offers TAYLOR CRABBE INITIATIVE’s observations about how...
Le secteur forestier est particulièrement vulnérable aux problèmes de mauvaise gouvernance, notamment à la corruption, à la fraude et au crime organisé. Les activités illégales exercées dans ce secteur génèrent des...
Between 1990 and 2005 Ghana lost an estimated quarter of its national forest cover. Illegal timber harvesting was rife, and poor governance and a lack of transparency plagued the forest sector.
Things began to change for the...
This study looks at the benefits gained by local communities from the logging industry in Cameroon, Ghana, Liberia and the Republic of Congo and was carried out with support from and on request of local NGOs in these countries.
I have just returned from a two-week policy tour of Europe, visiting decision makers working on the EU Forest Law Enforcement Governance and Trade (FLEGT) Action Plan in Belgium, Germany, France and the Netherlands. I was hoping...
Alors que les décideurs de l'Union européenne (UE) et des pays producteurs de bois se penchent sur l'avenir du plan d'action FLEGT et de ses Accords de partenariat volontaire (APV), des organisations et des plateformes de la...