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Les partenaires de Fern au Ghana, au Libéria, dans le bassin du Congo et au Brésil partagent leurs points de vue opposés sur le règlement de l'UE sur les produits zéro déforestation.
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Les APV FLEGT méritent d’être défendus
The EU seems to be considering rewarding Liberia’s administrative foot-dragging by abandoning FLEGT – communities and CSOs fear the pillage of Liberia’s remaining forests.
Joseph D. Higgins was born on 23 June 1969 to Dedeah Higgins and Martha D. Higgins in the Campwood Community, Grand Bassa County, Liberia.
Joseph earned a Bachelor of Science (BSc) degree in General Forestry from the University...
Peoples’ and the planet’s resilience can be enhanced by integrating the COVID-19 response with European Green Deal initiatives and prioritising the most vulnerable.
On March 16, Liberia’s first recorded coronavirus case was confirmed to be a government official who had just returned from the Green Climate Fund’s board meeting in Switzerland. The news sparked immediate recriminations. This was...
Actualité des APV FLEGT - En janvier 2020, Fern et LoggingOff ont fourni de nouvelles informations sur les Accords de partenariat volontaires (APV) du plan d'action européen concernant l'application des réglementations forestières, la gouvernance et les échanges commerciaux (FLEGT) qui montrent encore aujourd'hui le soutien apporté par la société civile, les gouvernements et le secteur privé au processus. L'Actualité des APV FLEGT, écrit par les leaders de la société civile d'Afrique, d'Asie et d'Amérique latine, reflète leur enthousiasme malgré les multiples défis.
NGO leaders from tropical forested nations offer first-hand accounts on what is needed for effective forest protection.
From the Liberian women fighting for the right to own and govern land that’s rightfully theirs, to the Guyanese Indigenous Peoples resisting companies attempting to seize their forests these stories come from different parts of the globe, but are bound by a common thread.
Alexandra Benjamin interviews Liberian women struggling for their land rights, and examines the law that could finally help bring them justice.