(Brussels) – 17 January 2018. The European Parliament today failed to help the climate by reversing the European Union’s (EU) disastrous bioenergy policy. Members of the European Parliament (MEPs) voted on the new Renewable Energy...
Controversy has long plagued the Oddar Meanchey carbon offset project in Cambodia.
Solid evidence has been in the public domain for years that forests supposed to be protected by the project—which has been backed by the United...
This publication shows how existing national and international legal frameworks can support sustainable agriculture in Brazil, thereby reducing pressure to convert forests to large plantations. Small-scale farmers are increasingly...
Agricultural expansion is devastating the world’s forests.
In Brazil the levelling of forests to grow soy to feed an insatiable export market has also led to human rights violations, including forced evictions, land grabs and...
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This letter written on behalf of 30 NGOs asks Members of the European Parliament to support crucial changes to the proposed rules on bioenergy in the European Union’s Renewable Energy Directive.
Tens of thousands of EU citizens are dying prematurely every year as a result of exposure to air pollution from burning solid biomass, mainly wood, to provide heat and electricity. Other health impacts include cancers, cardiac and...
A new study by ODI examining subsidies for the production of ‘forest risk’ commodities in Indonesia (timber and palm oil) and Brazil (beef and soya) concludes that domestic subsidies for the production of these commodities dwarfs...
Seventy per cent of global deforestation is due to agricultural expansion, largely to produce crops and livestock for international trade. The EU is the destination for much of these agricultural commodities, and bears significant...