Affichant les résultats 1 à 10 sur 12
Brazil's civil society has proved a bulwark against President Bolsonaro's efforts to subvert the country’s democracy. As Brazil heads to the polls, Adriana Ramos outlines the social and environmental challenges ahead.
The EU Regulation on deforestation-free products aims to curb deforestation and forest degradation driven by imports of forest and ecosystem-risk commodities. It is expected to be adopted in 2023.
This new report analyses drafts...
The world’s climate events and forest fires continue to underscore the urgency of action to reduce deforestation. But is the EU going down the right path? Ambassadors of 14 countries attacked a proposed EU Regulation, but Fern’s partners in those countries feel it is more nuanced.
The EU’s proposed Forest Monitoring Law is just one of a raft of measures that could help avert catastrophic forest fires.
Although progress has been made towards delivering a renewable energy plan that will help meet climate ambitions, much uncertainty remains on details before trilogue negotiations.
MEPs have defended the hopes of European consumers who consistently express the desire for the removal of deforestation-laced products from the EU market.
NGOs react to European Parliament votes on issues that will impact forests worldwide
The proposal maintains some incentives that encourage energy companies to burn forests
The European Parliament has heeded calls by Indigenous Peoples, NGOs and European Union (EU) citizens by voting for Indigenous Peoples’ rights to be upheld in the EU’s landmark Regulation on deforestation-free products.
MEPs have a crucial chance to ensure smallholders around the world don’t pay the price for EU efforts to end deforestation.