In early 2018, members of the European Parliament (MEPs) will vote on a new Renewable Energy Directive (REDII). The current RED has encouraged forest destruction through the direct burning of ‘forest biomass’, a limited resource. ...
As the European Commission closes its public consultation on the future of the EU’s bioenergy policy, the steps necessary to end its current disastrous impacts are highlighted in our consultation response. Fern calls upon the EU...
En République du Congo, le secteur forestier est le deuxième contributeur à l’économie nationale après le pétrole et le principal employeur après la fonction publique. Environ 640.000 personnes vivant en zone forestière dépendent...
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This statement outlines eight NGOs' vision for an Action Plan to Protect Forests and Protect Rights. It proposes new measures that build on and strengthen governmental and corporate commitments for zero deforestation and respect...
The EU is in the process of deciding the accounting rules for land use, land use change and forestry (LULUCF) for the post-2020 period. The EU’s decision will have international significance. 21 NGOs send a letter to European...
This is a typical constitution for a community forest in Mexico. It is the central document setting out how the community governs itself and its land and resources. It covers issues such as:How the community assembly takes...
Twelve NGOs have come together to ask MEPs to vote in favour of the own initiative report on Palm Oil and Deforestation of Rainforests on 4 April. The NGOs particularly welcome the call for an EU Action Plan on Deforestation and...
The UN Food and Agricultural Organisation (FAO) has chosen to use the International Day of Forests 2017 to promote the use of wood for energy, calling forests “nature’s power house”. Forests are precious ecosystems and well worth...
This letter to Commissioner Bulc explains why NGOs are concerned about his statement that “Biofuels are the ‘best choice’ at this point to start to decarbonize the industry”. Relying on large-scale biofuel cultivation leads to...