The climate crisis is more urgent than ever. Yet the EU debate on rules for carbon removals is focused on carbon offsetting which will further fuel climate chaos. This false solution allows polluters to avoid emissions reductions and distracts us from the urgent need for real, deep cuts. Tell the EU we need real solutions now.
In November 2022, the European Commission presented a proposal for an European Union (EU) Regulation on certification of activities that remove carbon from the atmosphere ('carbon removals'), which included voluntary minimum...
FERN wrote this guest commentary for PointCarbon ( to highlight that the time has come to give up waiting for the "market" to deliver the structural changes needed to keep global warming below two degrees and...
UNFCCC decision on REDD poised to undermine rights and increase conflict in forested areas. International NGOs call for a halt to REDD+1 until guarantees can be made that indigenous rights can be respected, it will not be funded...
Les représentants des mouvements populaires et les organisations mondiales se sont rassemblés en Afrique du Sud du 4 au 7 octobre 2004 pour aider à établir un mouvement populaire global pour agir sur le changement climatique et...
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