
Analysis of the European Commission’s Strategic Framework for International Cooperation

5 décembre 2024

Analysis of the European Commission’s Strategic Framework for International Cooperation

Without meaningful and inclusive partnerships with producer countries to tackle the root causes of deforestation, the EU Deforestation Regulation (EUDR) risks cleaning EU supply chains but powerless to address wider deforestation.  

To mitigate these risks, the EUDR requires that the Commission develops “a comprehensive Union Strategic Framework for such [partnership] engagement [...] that “shall allow the full participation of all stakeholders”, including civil society, Indigenous Peoples, local communities, women and smallholders”. (Article 30) 

On 2 October 2024 the Commission presented its Strategic Framework for International Cooperation. Worryingly, it says little about partnerships and the need for negotiations to include civil society. Rather than providing a way forward, it merely sums up and reframes existing dialogues, projects and initiatives.  

This briefing spells out the flaws and calls upon the Commission and Member States to undertake action for effective and inclusive partnerships to address root causes of deforestation and support them to enable EUDR implementation. 

Read the briefing

Catégories: Reports, EU Partnerships, EU Regulation on deforestation-free products

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