Affichant les résultats 21 à 30 sur 44
In polarised times, an EU wide poll shows Europeans are remarkably unified in their desire to protect global forests and avoid products that drive deforestation. Such popular support could act as a springboard for Commission action.
This week’s European Parliamentary election results threw up the tantalising prospect of greater EU protection for the climate, forests and people.
With more EU citizens voting than at any time in the past 25 years, it also...
In the run-up to elections, various initiatives underscore intense public concern regarding the role of EU consumption in causing deforestation.
Manfred Weber promises to ensure that the EU acts on child labour in supply chains
The EU must react swiftly to defend forest governance and uphold the EU Timber Regulation.
International funders must stop providing cover to harmful agri-business parks, and prioritise community rights and forests while there is still time.
Six MEPs familiar with carbon markets urge California to reject forestry offset standard.
Fern et Canopée sont à la recherche d'un(e) consultant(e) pour réaliser une étude sur le potentiel de stockage et de séquestration de carbone par les forêts françaises et proposer une alternative à la stratégie forestière du gouvernement français plus soutenable et durable.
Chocolate companies and the European Parliament are on the same page when it comes to corporate due diligence.
French company Bolloré loses palm oil defamation case on appeal; the case highlights the community struggle against corporate heavyweights – and why voluntary standards don’t work.