Affichant les résultats 41 à 50 sur 875
A vast carve up of Africa’s forests is underway in the name of protecting the planet. Those opposing this carbon colonialism must stand firm, says Alexandra Benjamin.
The European Commission’s proposal for a forest monitoring law, which was published today, is a commendable attempt to tackle the grave challenges facing European forests - yet does not require Member States to act on the data they will be required to gather on the state of their forests.
En 2013, l’Accord de Partenariat Volontaire (APV) entre le gouvernement de la République du Congo et l’Union européenne visant à résoudre les problèmes de gouvernance forestière et d’exploitation illégale des forêts est entré en...
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Le règlement de l'UE sur les produits exempts de déforestation (RDUE) pourrait non seulement mettre un terme à la déforestation dans le monde, mais aussi renforcer les droits des producteurs agricoles à petites échelles et...
The EU cannot be complicit in the destruction linked to nickel-mining as Free Trade and Critical Raw Materials talks go forward
A meeting of representatives from the Amazon, the Congo and the Borneo-Mekong seemed to adopt more loopholes than actions.
Despite reams of evidence against offsets and Bioenergy with Carbon Capture and Storage, the Parliament’s Environment Committee would not be dissuaded from either.
A new mapping system enhances forest data transparency.
Poland’s elections give cause for hope for forests; Polish campaigner Augustyn Mikos explains what it will take to turn that into reality.
Paper industry lobbyists expected to continue to push false narratives to try to remove the remaining positive elements of the Paper Packaging and Waste Regulation from the final version.