How does the EU impact the world and how can civil society influence EU policies?
The EU has a huge influence over the fate of the world’s forests.
Its trade deals, aid strategies, energy and climate policies, and imports of...
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Brazil's environmental policies affect some of the world’s most important forests and can have a devastating effect on the traditional communities that live in and off them. This has a knock-on effect on the climate, our planet,...
Sonia Guajajara, spokesperson of Brazilian Indigenous Peoples, explains the threats they currently face and ask the EU to support their struggles.
The EU has made strong commitments to mitigate climate change, stop deforestation and respect human rights, including community rights to land. But they are at risk being undermined by trade agreements the EU is currently...
We live in a world where our attention spans are getting shorter and the demands on it are getting bigger.
A world in which we’re bombarded with short films - often with shocking messages - that have been cut so fast that if you...
January 2018: Brazilians and Colombians reveal the impacts of deforestation on Amazonian peoples. Members of the Parliament from various political groups took advantage of this exhibition to call for an EU action plan on...
The Guaraqueçaba Climate Action Project is a nearly 7,000 ha forest carbon offset project initiative by the Nature Conservancy (TNC) and Brazilian NGO Sociedade de Pesquisa em Vida Selvagem e Educacao Ambiemental (SPVS). For...