Le Cameroun a été le premier pays d'Afrique centrale à faire l'essai de la foresterie communautaire. Il y a eu des défis, mais ce film explique comment surmonter ces obstacles. Merci au Centre pour l'Environnement et le...
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Blog 17.4.2018
The EU’s new LULUCF Regulation: is it fit for (climate) purpose?
By Hanna Aho, Fern’s forest and climate campaigner
For the last three years, Fern has been involved in the debate about the LULUCF Regulation....
La foresterie communautaire est notre meilleure chance de garantir que les forêts restent debout et que les communautés obtiennent les moyens de subsistance et les avantages qu'elles méritent. Nos partenaires en #RCA et au #Congo...
The European Commission’s new feasibility study giving options to fight deforestation has found that a new regulation would be needed for the EU to tackle deforestation effectively. The...
EU Member States have directed the European Commission to urgently come up with a long-term strategy for how the EU will implement the Paris Agreement. The call came as part of conclusions...
Everything points to it: meat-heavy diets are grinding up global land resources and threatening both human health (such as by increasing cancer rates) and global biodiversity, directly and indirectly.
Mighty Earth and Fern...
The Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) is the most credible forest certification scheme that exists. Its deliberative process, by which social, environmental and economic actors define what sustainability means in a specific...
Healing the world’s ecosystems and restoring degraded lands makes economic sense, according to a recent report by the UN. Currently 75 per cent of world ecosystems have become degraded,...
Si mise en œuvre de manière adéquate, la foresterie communautaire peut aider les communautés et favoriser l’atteinte des objectifs de développement durable ainsi que la lutte contre le réchauffement climatique.