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Brussels – December 16: EU Member States have just released their official reaction to the Commission’s Communication on stepping up EU action to protect and restore the world’s forests. They “request” the Commission to...
Les pays disposant de ressources naturelles abondantes souffrent souvent d’une corruption endémique et d’une faible redevabilité. Ces problèmes de gouvernance sont non seulement préjudiciables à la protection des forêts et de la...
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Le 11 décembre, la Commission européenne, désormais dirigée par l'ancienne ministre allemande de la Défense, Ursula von der Leyen, a publié sa proposition tant attendue d'un Pacte vert (Green Deal) pour l’Europe. Ce pacte comprend...
Estonian environmental NGOs have had enough of being outgunned as they stand up to a mighty timber industry and some of its powerful government friends. In November 2019, several environmental NGOs sent a letter to the Minister of...
We are already missing our forest-health targets, climate action needs to protect our forests, not endanger them.
Brussels, December 11 – The European Commission’s proposed Green Deal contains two standalone forest initiatives, indicating that EU politicians understand how close forests are to Europeans’ hearts. But poor implementation could...
Les évêques catholiques parlent de la protection des peuples autochtones et des forêts tropicales en Amazonie et dans le monde : Il est temps d'écouter le cri des peuples et de la nature.
Now comes the task of separating the wheat (value chain and market access measures) from the chaff (labels).
Companies will back producer countries’ bold move to raise cocoa prices, and are also showing support for EU regulation.
When violence continues unchecked in a Member State, the Commission must intervene to ensure that European values are upheld and regulations are respected.