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On 30 May 2024, some within the US administration wrote to the European Commission to ask them to postpone implementation of the EU regulation on deforestation-free products (EUDR). But why would the government of a country with the economic and political weight of the United States go to the trouble of making such a request? The answer can be found by comparing the letter’s arguments with those of the American pulp and paper sector: their arguments are a mere replication of poorly substantiated industry claims.
The final EU Packaging and Packaging Waste Regulation was agreed in trilogue despite being stripped of its most pressing provisions.
Yesterday the Belgian Presidency of the Council of the European Union released the final text of...
Negotiations saw unbridled industry lobbying against meaningful inclusions in the Regulation – their victory is forests’ loss.
Paper industry lobbyists expected to continue to push false narratives to try to remove the remaining positive elements of the Paper Packaging and Waste Regulation from the final version.
The Packaging and Packaging Waste Regulation needs to reduce packaging, not shift from one damaging material to another.
The PPWD, now being replaced by the Packaging and Packaging Waste Regulation (PPWR), outlines measures to prevent the production of packaging waste. These measures promote reuse of packaging and, where preventing packaging waste...
Indonesian civil society groups offer real-life insights into what the increased demand for paper-based packaging means for forests and local communities.
The EU should listen to its citizens not industry, and legislate to end the overpackaging crisis
France’s packaging law could offer practical insights for the EU’s new packaging Regulation
Poll: Overwhelming majority of Europeans are troubled by the rise in paper and cardboard packaging, and three quarters think governments should be responsible for reducing it.
Packaging and especially disposable paper packaging...