Affichant les résultats 71 à 74 sur 74
In this position paper, FERN explains that the future Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) should prioritise enhanced forest protection and improved forestry practices that have notable and measurable positive environmental and...
A FERN statement outlining our reasons for continuing our FSC membership and the policies and actions that would lead to us handing in this membership.
A joint statement by FERN, Greenpeace, Inter-African Forest Industry Association, Precious Woods, Swedish Society for Nature Conservation and Tropical Forest Trust, detailing which changes this group the FSC needs to make to...
Les représentants des mouvements populaires et les organisations mondiales se sont rassemblés en Afrique du Sud du 4 au 7 octobre 2004 pour aider à établir un mouvement populaire global pour agir sur le changement climatique et...
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