Ce document explique les implications d’un système fondé sur un niveau de base historique avec un facteur de correction pour les pays à faible déforestation. Il explique également pourquoi les marchés du carbone ne vont...
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As 2009 draws to a close, the European Commission is finalising its report on a sustainability scheme for biomass, but considering voluntary recommendations rather than binding biomass criteria. This short briefing explains why...
With proper safeguards, FLEGT has the capacity to bring about real improvements in forest governance – but concerns have been raised that this could all be undermined by the Reduced Emissions from Deforestation and Forest...
Cette note d’information présente les dernières recherches concernant l’impact du commerce des crédits de carbone forestier sur les marchés du carbone, et les effets consécutifs sur les forêts et le climat.
A FERN statement outlining our reasons for continuing our FSC membership and the policies and actions that would lead to us handing in this membership.
This report analyses the different timber procurement policies of six EU Member States and Japan. The report shows that although there is some variation between the different policies, there are also many similarities. The...
This briefing note shows the folly of G-20 plans to increase ECAs’ capacity without ensuring they bring in regulations aimed at halting their support for companies that take advantage of tax avoidance loopholes such as offshore...
Liberalising investments with the aim of opening markets appears to be incompatible with sustainable development of resource-based activities. FERN has therefore published a briefing note, “From Rome to Lisbon,” a guide to the...
A new FERN funded report by Kavaljit Singh on the EU-India Free Trade Agreement with a strong focus on the banking sector. The report asks the question who benefits from FTAs and shows that opening up India for European banks can...
Although contrary evidence is overwhelming and growing, policymakers in the North seem to believe that carbon trading is the best mechanism to address climate change. The EU, Japan, the US and Australia all have their own trading...