Affichant les résultats 1 à 10 sur 16
UNFCCC decision on REDD poised to undermine rights and increase conflict in forested areas. International NGOs call for a halt to REDD+1 until guarantees can be made that indigenous rights can be respected, it will not be funded...
After the collapse of UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) talks in Copenhagen in December 2009, the future financial architecture for funding climate change mitigation and adaptation continues to be fiercely...
This study analyses the likely impacts on land use and greenhouse gas emissions of biofuel use by 2020, as projected in recently published National Renewable Energy Action Plans in 23 EU member states. The analysis includes...
In this position paper, FERN explains that the future Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) should prioritise enhanced forest protection and improved forestry practices that have notable and measurable positive environmental and...
This report looks at the possible benefits of biomass use and considers the levels of biomass that may be available. It also discusses in detail the meaning of sustainable biomass and the practices that have a high risk of...
Though EU policy aims to give equal weight to the 'commercial interests' versus 'ecological interests' of forests, in practice, commercial interests have dominated. This is concerning given that forests can help mitigate the...
Une courte note d'information sur les procédures qui mènent à des Accords de Partenariat Volontaire opérationnels. La procédure d'APV est entreprise par l'UE au nom de l'ensemble de ses états membres. Bien que les deux parties...
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Dans la lutte pour contrer le changement climatique, le marché du carbone est devenu l’instrument politique préférentiel des gouvernements. C’est aussi l’élément central de la CCNUCC, la Convention-cadre des Nations Unies sur...
Member States' Export Credit Agencies (ECAs) are undermining EU climate objectives by providing billions of euros worth of support for highly carbon-intensive projects and "techno-fixes" masquerading as environmental solutions....
This research conducted for FERN analyses the involvement of all 21 ECAs of EU member countries in the financing of carbon-intensive industries during the period 2004-2009.