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Lessons for the EU from Label Bas-Carbone forestry projects in France
Unlike other sectors, international aviation is not included in 2015’s Paris Agreement. This has allowed aviation to lag behind other sectors when it comes to reducing emissions. In the face of mounting criticism, the...
The UN Paris Agreement to reduce greenhouse gas does not cover emissions from international aviation. These are regulated by the UN’s International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO), which has been tasked with adopting a proposal...
This briefing note addresses the risks that could arise if Reduced Emissions from Deforestation and forest Degradation (REDD+) were to be included in an international climate agreement. Specifically, it looks at ‘double-counting’,...
This study refocuses attention on the need to reduce greenhouse gas emissions domestically, without offloading responsibilities onto other countries through offsets. It explores why forests cannot offset fossil fuel emissions; and...
This is the summary version of misleading numbers. It outlines that fossil and land-based carbon are not interchangeable and that emissions from fossil fuels cannot be negated by increasing or protecting the storage potential of...
The word ‘carbon’ appears with relentless ubiquity in the news and in government policy and legislation. It is discussed as if it were a simple, almost abstract and easily quantifiable substance. However, like many ubiquitous...
The N’hambita Forest Carbon Offset Pilot Project, run by the company Envirotrade, and initially funded by European Commission (EC) money, has failed to deliver most of its climate change, development, financial and learning...
This short briefing looking at how State Aid is being used to offset the indirect costs of the EU Emissions Trading Scheme (EU ETS). The Commission is attempting to remedy the low price of carbon, but State Aid guidelines mean...