
Taking stock: Tracking trends in European Aid for forests and communities

19 mars 2015

Written by: Hugh Speechly

Taking stock: Tracking trends in European Aid for forests and communities

Forests and forest-dependent communities are under increasing pressure due to infrastructure projects and the demand for agricultural commodities. Although there is growing recognition of the importance of forests in mitigating climate change, this makes them vulnerable to a new threat: that they will be appropriated to capture potential payments to compensate for carbon emissions (REDD+ initiatives). These trends bring new challenges for donors working in the forest and agriculture sectors.

This report examines the policies of the major European donors to programmes supporting forests and forest-dependent peoples, and makes recommendations for future actions.

This is part of a series of reports identifying EU action to reduce deforestation and ensure rights are respected. To read the rest of the reports in the series visit: To read the summary of all the reports visit:

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