Resultados de 11 a 20 de um total de 42
Christian Mounzéo and Essylot C. Lubala look at China’s new forest law and the practical results it may have in forested countries, such as the Congo Basin.
New reports indicate that forest governance has been improving in Republic of Congo, but further strides are needed.
This report, produced in collaboration with Climate Analytics and Rencontre pour la Paix et les Droits de l'Homme (RPDH), demonstrates that only good governance will allow Congo's forests to play a crucial role in the fight...
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Views from civil society
Interview with Nina Cynthia Kiyindou (OCDH)
Logging and conservation projects have spurred rapid development in the Sangha forest region of the Congo. But what’s the human and environmental cost? Laudes Martial Mbon travels to the depths of the Congo Basin rainforest to investigate.
German facilitation of the Partnership could set an innovative course.
This January 2020 Fern and LoggingOff's update on FLEGT VPAs shows the support the process is still receiving from civil society, governments and the private sector. It is written by Civil Society leaders across Africa, Asia and Latin America and shows their enthusiasm for the process despite the multiple challenges.
Fern campaigner, Marie Ange Kalenga was invited to produce a blog for Transparency International’s 20th anniversary. Beyond obvious criminal implications, corruption is an assault on people, forests and the environment. It can be stopped.
Catholic bishops speak out on protecting indigenous communities and rainforests in the Amazon and worldwide and says it is time to listen to the cry of people and of nature.