Resultados de 41 a 50 de um total de 65
Civil society explains how the EU can help protect forests and forest people rights
Around the world, about 1.6 billion people depend on forests for their survival. And yet, in 2017 alone, global tropical forests lost 15.8...
One year ago, forests and their crucial ecological and economic role were again at the forefront of the EU’s policy agenda. In June 2017, at the EU conference on illegal logging and deforestation, EU Commissioner for International...
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Community forestry is our best chance to ensure forests remain standing and communities get the livelihoods and benefits they deserve. Fern's partners in Central African Republic and Republic of Congo explain why people who depend...
When done right, community forestry can help communities and global climate and Sustainable Development Goals objectives. This film explains the role the EU should play.
Fern is deeply shocked and saddened to hear of the death of our dear friend and colleague Isaac Tchikaya, focal point for the CSO platform for sustainable management of forests (PGDF) in the Kouilou region, in the Republic of...
As the Paris Agreement is ratified by each of its signatory states, they commit to put into action their specific national plans to combat climate change. These plans are called Nationally Determined Contributions (NDC). Fern...
Fern is deeply concerned with the looting of Rencontre pour la Paix et les Droits de l’Homme (RPDH) offices in Pointe-Noire, Republic of Congo, on 9 March, 2018. RPDH has been working on human rights issues and natural resource...
All eyes are on France as it takes over the presidency of the Central African Forest Initiative (CAFI). Launched three years ago to protect the Congo Basin forests and support stronger governance of its ecosystems, CAFI is facing...
The Observatoire Congolais des Droits de l'Homme (OCDH), one of Fern’s local partners in the Republic of Congo, has published a briefing note on the deaths of at least 100 indigenous children living in the Mbanza village inside a...
The CoNGOs project partners discuss a new paradigm for community forestry at the meeting of the CBFP parties in Douala.
At the 17th annual Meeting of Parties of the Congo Basin Forest Partnership (CBFP) in Douala, Cameroon, Fern...