Resultados de 1 a 10 de um total de 12
Indonesian civil society must always navigate challenges surrounding transparency, but this year they have been aggravated by social turbulence and COVID-19. A victory early in the year --in which the government removed a rule...
On 5 October 2020, the Indonesian Parliament passed the Omnibus Law on Job Creation. Seven out of nine parties supported the bill, which is over 1,000 pages long and amends 79 existing laws. Meant to facilitate investment by...
Britons, on average, devour 700,000 tonnes of chocolate a year, or three bars a week per person. But how many of them are aware of the provenance of their chocolate, or its true cost?
Most chocolate sold in the UK is made from...
A sociedade civil da América Latina, África e Sudeste Asiático é convidada a participar num encontro online em inglês, espanhol, português ou francês informando sobre como contribuir para as consultas da UE e do Reino Unido sobre...
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Indonesia and EU negotiators are continuing trade discussions. The EU must ensure respect for human rights and environment.
The world’s forests, and the rights of many who depend on them, remained under assault in 2019.
These attacks came from many directions: from the erosion of environmental and human rights protections in Brazil under President Jair Bolsonaro, to the Amazon fires; from the EU’s devastating bioenergy policy, to its raft of Free Trade Agreements with forested countries to increase our insatiable consumption of products that drive deforestation; from a lack of secure tenure rights for people depending on forests for their survival, to failures of transparency and accountability in the forest sector…
Perrine Fournier analyses the French-Dutch call for making trade more sustainable in EU free trade agreements.
Perrine Fournier explains how the EU should react.
Indonesia has seized the opportunity to set aside justice with claims about the need to protect its economy. There is increasing concern that this may mean danger for its people and forests.
How European Union policy could remove deforestation and human rights violations from the palm oil trade with Indonesia